Frequently Asked Questions

  • Based on your need, you will select one of the products i.e Individual subscription, Family Subscription, Unlimited Subscription, Seniors Subscription etc.
  • Once you click the Subscribe here button, you will be directed to a page where you will enter your details and request for a follow-up call or to self-register.
  • Once your details are captured, you will be directed to make payment via M-pesa
The plan that will best work for you will depend on your current need. Carefully evaluate your needs and those of your family members.
Once you select a product, you will be prompted to make payment via M-pesa. Should the M-pesa popup on your phone disappear, on your phone you can go to:
  1. M-pesa
  2. Select the Lipa na M-pesa Option
  3. Select the Paybill option
  4. Enter 4079331 for the Paybill number
  5. Enter your ID/Passport number for the Account number
  6. Enter the amount indicated on the subscription chosen then enter your PIN.
A customer care representative will call you within 24 hours to welcome you to the Ambulex family and get more information on how we can support you further.
If you run out of evacuations, you can either:
  1. Pay industry rates for the services
  2. Pay for a new plan and wait a day to access our services again. We encourage our members to subscribe to unlimited services.
We ask our members to indicate the hospital of their choice and also share with us medical cover details in preparedness, should there be need for evacuation to a health facility. However, should you need emergency services that require hospital attention, we are obliged to transfer you to the nearest health facility with the capacity to handle either the medical or trauma case.
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